Why Choose The Source?
Go to the Source, for plant nutrition in its purest form. It’s a simple concept. Clean, highly concentrated fertilisers for effective, efficient performance.
The base nutrients and bio stimulants that comprise the Source range rigorously relate to your plants needs, bringing you improved plant health, increased yield, and greater returns.
Extensively proven by the UK’s leading horticultural universities, the Source’s pure synergy with plant requirements has produced outstanding results with all growing media and all cultivation systems.
Paired with zero-waste AutoPot Watering Systems the Source’s efficiency is elevated from exceptional to unparalleled.
The Products
Conditions the rhizosphere into a highly cultured, fully functional environment and stimulates exceptionally absorptive root structures.
Always sufficient but never excessive, Gro’s all-natural, specially selected ingredients provide a fantastically responsive nutritional regime for all plant types.
Formulated with a rich, high purity phosphorus and potassium content, Alluvium encourages prolific flowering and produces fruit of unrivalled taste and size.
Stimulates the mutually reinforcing processes that rule plant health and robust growth. Promotes the abundant, widespread formation of fruit and flower sites.

Fulfils your plants intrinsic requirements for calcium and magnesium. Keys into and optimises photosynthesis and cellular reproduction which helps to drive nutrient uptake.
Comprehensive and readily available for uptake, Flo provides the exact NPK required for a strong start to the bloom and upward progress all the way through to harvest.